Braintree offers a secure credit card payment gateway with the low rate of 2.59% + $0.49 per transactions with an instant approval process similar to Stripe. The primary benefit over Stripe is payments are deposited typically in 2-4 days instead of the 7 days with Stripe. Adding our Braintree Payment Gateway to your WHMCS installation will allow you to accept Credit/Debit cards directly from your customers without having to redirect them to a 3rd party or use specialized credit card templates and template editing.

Important Note! Please note that this is a not a tokenized gateway. This module stores customer card details locally in your WHMCS database using WHMCS encryption/decryption. For information on becoming PCI compliant if you are not, contact the awesome support team and Braintree, they will be glad to help point you in the right direction!

Pricing & Purchasing
The Braintree Credit Card module is a feature rich module that is easy to install and configure. Get setup and start accepting credit/debit cards in minutes!
- Low fees! 2.59% + $0.49 for each transaction (fees may vary)
- Supports WHMCS 8.x
- Supports 3D Secure 2 (also known as EMV 3-D Secure, 3D Secure 2.0, or 3DS2)
- Uses the native WHMCS card input form
- Works with all WHMCS templates
- Supports automatic payment capturing
- Multiple currencies supported
- Lookup Braintree transaction details without leaving WHMCS
System Requirements
- Understanding of using WHMCS as well as installing and configuring addons and gateways
- PHP 7.4 or higher
- WHMCS 8.x (we do not provide support EOL, alpha, beta or release candidate builds)
PHP Extension Requirements
- ioncube v12 or higher (does not apply to the Open Source version)
- curl w/ TLS 1.2 and higher support
- dom
- hash
- openssl
- xmlwriter
Braintree Requirements
- A Braintree Merchant Account – If you do not have one, you may sign up here
- Verify that your Braintree Merchant account accepts credit/debit cards
- PCI Compliant – For more information, see their FAQ
The changelog is available here. The module is updated as-needed when there are bugs or issues to resolve or improvements that warrant a new release. Our modules are all heavily-used in our production WHMCS environment and are battle-tested and ready-to-go!
There are 3 versions available for purchase depending on your needs and budget.