5 Ways to Convert Leads Into Sales

Leads on their own wont typically turn into sales just for arriving at your page. Often our visitors need a little extra help before we start to see a rise in sales. In the article below we are going to go over a few ways in which we can help improve our sales numbers online.

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Stay Ahead of SEO in 2018

This article is intended to talk a little about SEO and some best practices I recommend. As the year moves on we might revise this post a few times. Check back again in the future to see if its changed and please chime in below in the comments if you would like to contribute at all. 

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A Simple Explanation Of Lets Encrypt SSL Certificates

Lets Encrypt is a Certificate Authority (otherwise known as a CA) that provides FREE SSL certificates. The intention of giving away these free certificates is to promote a more secure internet and although they are free certificates, they are by no means less safe. Today we are going to talk about the benefits of this type of SSL and when it’s most appropriate to use it.

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Have you considered Teamspeak?

Are you a business looking for an excellent way to communicate? Do you and your friends want a better way to chat while gaming online? TeamSpeak might be a solution to consider. 

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What is TCP/IP?

TCP/IP is otherwise known as Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol. These protocols are meant to govern devices on the internet and when devices are within a private network.

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How does an SSL Certificate work?

Before we start, what is SSL?

SSL stands for “Secure Socket Layer”. This is a standard technology used to create an encrypted channel between a server and a browser. This is meant to allow sensitive information to pass securely between a user and a server without being at risk of data theft or “man in the middle” attacks.

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How is a server any different from an ordinary computer?

A normal desktop computer such as the one that you have at home or in your office runs a user friendly OS and applications focused on day to day desktop uses. A server on the other hand is an entirely different beast. Meant to manage network resources, a server is dedicated to only those types of tasks.

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What is VPS Hosting?

VPS stands for virtual private server. A virtual private server is just like a dedicated server except its actually being virtualized in a shared host environment.

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