If This Then That is a way in which you can automate various tasks and activities across various platforms and systems. Below are some very simple “recipes” that might inspire you to make something new or to automate some of your daily tasks.
Growth and expectations of IOT in 2018
Last year we saw a huge amount of growth in the IOT industry with adopters in manufacturing, transportation, utilities and healthcare leading the race. The Manufacturing sector spent an estimated $178 billion last year, transportation $78 billion and utilities at around $69 billion. Overall, its expected to become worth $6 trillion in total between 2015 and 2020. So what does this year hold?
IOT, The Cloud, and Farming. Why Farmers Need Managed Web Services.
The future is a strange and wonderful place where our technologies are expanding to meet the needs of so many more industries each and every day. Unlikely bed fellows are now realizing the huge potential for cooperative growth. As IOT innovation is popping up in every industry a subject that has previously not been often addressed in tech circles is farming.
What new changes to expect in the coming age of IOT?
The internet of things revolution is happening right now. Things are moving fast and nobody fully knows where it will take us. Here is what we do know.
3 Simple Raspberry Pi Projects for Learning About IOT.
The Raspberry Pi has become one of the most used platforms for building and experimenting with new ideas and learning new technologies. It is the essential go-to for engineers and students alike. Today we are going to go over a few introductory projects chosen for people interested in learning about the IOT.
How to use IFTTT with WordPress
What do you do when a plugin won’t do? IFTTT, which stands for “If This Then That”. If you can think of an action you would want to automate then it can probably do it.
A Simple Explanation of “The Internet Of Things”
The conversation around the Internet of Things (also referred to as “IOT”) is getting louder and more prevalent each day but why all the hype? There are arguments for and against it everywhere right now. Is there really any reason for concern? Whats the big deal?
What is the difference? AI, Deep Learning, and Machine Learning
In this article we are going to go over the key differences between these topics and clear up a few misconceptions surrounding them. We have heard a lot of talk about these subjects and as can be expected of buzzwords they can be a little confusing or even misleading at times.