Not quite sure what cloud computing really means? Maybe you have a vague idea but want a little more information. This article is your opportunity to get caught up on the subject by simply starting at the beginning.
In part 2 of 2 we are going to compare Reseller Hosting to Affiliate Marketing. For some of you the questions about Reseller Hosting vs. Affiliation has become a bit confusing lately so today we are going to clear up any misunderstanding regarding these 2 different options.If you are looking for part 1 click HERE
If you haven’t considered adding SSL encryption to your webpage yet, you should. SSL encryption has a lot of benefits to consider and really no reasons not to. If making sure your visitors feel safe seems important to you, or if SEO results matter much to your site, then you probably should follow along with this very simple tutorial. This article is really meant to walk you through how easy it is for anyone to set up.
Lets Encrypt is a Certificate Authority (otherwise known as a CA) that provides FREE SSL certificates. The intention of giving away these free certificates is to promote a more secure internet and although they are free certificates, they are by no means less safe. Today we are going to talk about the benefits of this type of SSL and when it’s most appropriate to use it.