3 Reasons The Cloud is Critical to Small Business

Studies have shown that the mass of businesses adopting cloud related solutions has impacted more than just collaboration, analytics, and accounting. The ways we build customer relationships and the very core of our business models is changing as well. 

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3 Simple Raspberry Pi Projects for Learning About IOT.

The Raspberry Pi has become one of the most used platforms for building and experimenting with new ideas and learning new technologies. It is the essential go-to for engineers and students alike. Today we are going to go over a few introductory projects chosen for people interested in learning about the IOT.

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AI and Machine Learning Open Source Projects to Get Your Feet Wet

It isn’t easy to begin studying Machine Learning. There are just so many resources available today and a lot of enthusiasts never really get started. Things are evolving and changing so fast that it can make a persons head spin. It can be hard to find a place to start. Today we are going to go over a few notable projects worth learning about. Hopefully this list can help you begin.

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What is ASP.NET Core?

ASP.NET Core is a framework for building cloud based applications. It is open source, and cross platform. You can use it to build web applications and IoT apps as well as backends. You can use any of your favorite developer tools for Windows, Mac OS or Linux to deploy to either the cloud or on-premises.

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A Comparison of 3 Deep Learning Music Tools

Deep learning is becoming a more and more popular subject matter but what are some the ways in which creatives have explored these new trends? Today we are going to mention a few of these more creatively focused applications and will include links to GitHub as well.

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VPN – How to avoid getting scammed (hint: don’t trust Facebook for your VPN)

Recently, it became public knowledge that the Protect VPN app for iPhone is sending more than a significant amount of data back to Facebook. This seems particularly disheartening to VPN users who sought and chose this VPN service to enhance their personal security and to limit the amount of data that they share over the internet. So what now? Whats the point of a VPN then?

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