WordPress is an easily accessible and easy to learn content management system (or CMS). It came about as a tool for bloggers but today it is everywhere.
A content management systems is defined by Wikipedia as:
a computer application that supports the creation and modification of digital content. It typically supports multiple users in a collaborative environment. CMS features vary widely. Most CMSs include Web-based publishing, format management, history editing and version control, indexing, search, and retrieval. By their nature, content management systems support the separation of content and presentation.
WordPress is freely available software built with PHP and MySQL. It was originally intended to be used by bloggers. Today it is the most used blogging platform and CMS software available. It has grown to become the standard by which most websites are formed and managed. Web designers and non web designers alike use it every day.
WordPress is particularly popular because it is easy to learn, has tons of options and right out of the gates is pretty powerful. It’s ease of use makes content more manageable and pages easier to operate. The software is growing and improving all of the time. People all over the world contribute to its continued development and growth because the software is open source. It is easy to acquire and is free for anyone to use, modify, or improve.
Plugins, Themes, and Addons.
Once you have WordPress installed there is a whole sea of plugins, addons, widgets, themes, etc. Designers, programmers, and companies have created a massive ecosystem around WordPress. Whether you are building a huge E-commerce site, or a small artist portfolio there will inevitably be a plugin that will make your experience better, easier, faster or more lucrative.
Finally, web hosts like ASPnix.com and other hosting providers typically provide free 1-click WordPress installation. If you need help after that, there are a ton of tutorials and resources all over the web for WordPress users to learn more!
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