If you are a hosting reseller searching for modules to handle billing or customer support ticket requests WHMCS can be pretty great. It works with all the major payment gateways like PayPal, and Authorize.net. You can use all kinds of currencies, make your own promotions, or form invoices with WHMCS.
Below is a list of most of optional WHMCS you can expect to find as ASPnix:
Coinbase Payment Gateway
Using the coinbase gateway module will help you to accept Bitcoin payments with your WHMCS billing system. It uses the Coinbase API. Your coinbase wallet and its balance will be available to you from the WHMCS Administrator homepage as well.
Braintree Payment Gateway
With the Braintree Payment Gateway you will have a secure credit card gateway which features a 2.9% rate (+$0.30 per transaction). You can use it in a similar way to Stripe with the biggest benefits being the speed of deposits. Funds are deposited in 2-4 days. Stripe on the other hand is about 7 days. This is a great way to accept credit/debit cards directly from your customers.
ACH Direct Debit Payment Gateway
Offering payments through Braintree as a payment processor is easy and could be a little as 0.75% each transaction. You can accept ACH bank transfers from any customer in the US. Particularly helpful if your business takes in large annual payments from customers who prefer to pay directly from their bank account.
Apple Pay Payment Gateway
Start offering Apple Pay through Braintree! Payments are processed for 2.9% (+$0.30 per transaction). This process has an instant approval process. The benefit of this process over Stripe is also deposited within 2-4 days. Like others in this list, much faster than the 7 day period necessary when using Stripe.
G2A Pay Payment Gateway
This payment gateway module allows WHMCS billing to accept G2A payments. Particularly convenient for clients with G2A Pay and with the added benefit of NO MERCHANT FEE. It’s basically plug n’ play. After supplying your G2A merchant account info you are free to start accepting payments right away!
Authy Two-Factor Security Module
As you can gather from the name this module provides two-factor authentication to your WHMCS. Customers and admins can all breathe a sigh of safe relief. Authy is FREE for 30 days until the trial period runs out. Which is plenty of time to see if it is right for you. The pricing is pretty simple and FREE for those with less than 100 verifications.
Twilio SMS Two-Factor Security Module
Twillio adds two-factor authentication supported by its own text messenging services. SMS is a great way to add this type of security and Twilio offers a low cost solution. In the US expect to pay less than $0.01 per SMS message.
Google Auth Two-Factor Security Module
The name is pretty self explanatory but there is more you should know about Google Auth’s two -factor authentication… This is the same system that WHMCS offers for $1.50 per month, now with no monthly charge! This module is a great deal and only charges a single 1 time fee.
Pushover Push Notifications Addon
Want to send push notifications to your clients who use the Pushover application on their various mobile devices? Using the Pushover API now you can! Invoices, refunds, tickets, etc. It can even send administrators notifications if you would like, delivering new orders, affiliate activations, new tickets and more.
OneSignal Browser notifications Addon
This addon will allow you to send browser notifications to clients who allow this feature. You can reach out and notify your customers instantly! Supported for all the major browsers including Chrome, Safari, Firefox and others. New invoices, Paid invoices, Refunds, Payment Reminders, Support tickets and more.
GeoIP Order Blocking Addon
Have you ever needed to block orders from certain countries? With this tool you can easily prevent orders based on the geographic location of the clients IP address.
Public Pay Addon
The Public Pay Addon makes it easy to accept public payments. Especially helpful for groups sharing the cost of a of domain registration or other items billable in their WHMCS. Clans with multiple members sharing costs together will find this especially helpful. A public link can be posted on a website to accept anonymous payments or even donations to pay for hosting!
Client Area Hide by Status Addon
This addon helps to eliminate clutter from terminated services, cancelled invoices or expired domains easily and simply. Customers will be able to hide anything in their way.
Check out these modules and more at ASPnix WHMCS Modules