Windows Hosting – MySQL Maintenance / Migration

This Friday, May 8th at 10PM MDT we will be performance maintenance and migration of our Windows MySQL server systems. Our MySQL systems will be migrated from MySQL on Windows to Percona on Linux. Percona is a binary-compatible drop-in replacement for MySQL, but offers much higher performance and scalability for hosting platforms such as ours.

Nothing needs to be done on the customer end, no changes to websites or any other applications that rely on MySQL. The database names, usernames, passwords, hostnames and PHPMyAdmin will remain the same. As stated, this is a drop-in replacement for MySQL, Percona is MySQL with various improvements from themselves as well as pulled from MariaDB. We will still be based on MySQL 5.7 as we are now, no changes will be made at this time to upgrade to v8.

During this time, any sites and applications or remote systems that rely on MySQL will not be available, this also includes our control panel. All databases have already been migrated in testing and checked and verified for any failures or errors during the restore. Backups of all databases will be performed at the start of the maintenance period and kept for 30 days. 

All dates & times are listed as UTC.

Scheduled Date: 
Scheduled Time:

Max Outage Duration: 4 hours

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact our support department.

Thank you again for choosing ASPnix as your web hosting provider!