SmarterMail Upcoming Maintenance

This evening, May 24th at 10PM MDT we will be performing an update to our primary SmarterMail server, build 7082. This build has many bug fixes and improvements.

  • Resolves issues with certain non-English characters displaying as question mark characters
  • Conference rooms set to Everyone do not auto-attach for new users
  • Modifying a task generates a new ID for that task
  • Error toast not always shown when trying to delete a read-only email.
  • Reenabled HTML view in message archiving
  • Scenario where an incorrect email may be occasionally unflagged
  • Task reminders are firing after task start times
  • When stripping the mailing list password from the subject, the subject line wasn’t always being re-encoded properly
  • When creating/editing an appointment recurrence, the correct day of week may not be reflected

And numerous other fixes and improvements.

During this time, our incoming gateways will process and hold any incoming email and deliver them once we have completed the update.

All dates & times are listed as UTC.

Scheduled Date: 
Scheduled Time:
Max Outage Duration: 1 hour

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact our support department.

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