This evening, Friday the 26th at 10PM MST we will be performing an update to the SmarterMail service on our primary SmarterMail server. This is a bug fix release with some minor improvements and resolves some issues that customers have reported, including…
- An invalid message attachment filename causes a “This message does not exist” message in web interface.
- Changing the interface language from the login page modifies the language for other accounts logged in on the same browser
- Emails containing very large recipient lists were slowing down the messages area
- In Firefox choosing the ”Not Now” browser notification permission does not redirect from the login page
- Mail attachments with invalid characters were causing the email not to load
- Added a progress bar for Mark as Read / Unread message actions
- Unable to sync calendars in Mac calendar app when using EWS
During this time, our incoming gateways will process and hold any incoming email and deliver them once we have completed the update.
All dates & times are listed as UTC.
Scheduled Date:
Scheduled Time: –
Max Outage Duration: 1 hour
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact our support department.
Thank you again for choosing ASPnix as your web hosting provider!