The scheduled server and software upgrades scheduled for this weekend have been completed. We are very pleased to see that the CPU usage for our SQL Server cluster is very low with the new processors. The average 24 hour usage has dropped from 67% to just 5%! We’ve had extremely good feedback from a few customers who rely heavily on SQL Server, stating that queries now execute very fast and results are returned faster than before the upgrade. This upgrade, combined with the previous RAM and full SSD upgrade has really improved the experience with SQL Server.

As you can see from the monitoring graph above, the total combined CPU usage dropped immediately after our upgrades and have stayed down since. No major spikes in usage, very consistent usage.
SmarterMail was also upgraded this weekend to the latest available build. This new version addresses a stability issue where a crash in the Cyren engine would trigger a global crash of the entire SmarterMail system. They’ve fixed this by moving the Cyren anti-spam checks to an outside process, this way if the engine crashes, SmarterMail simply restarts the process and continues running as if nothing ever happened. There have been many other improvements and bug fixes around IMAP and ActiveSync and other areas of SmarterMail as well.
The session state handling for SmarterMail’s web interface have been moved from in process to a dedicated Session State server. This should help address random disconnects from webmail during use.
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