We are very pleased to announce the availability of our Priority Fast-Track support! Fast-Track support will allow our customers to pay to upgrade their ticket to high priority, moved to the top of the queue as well as a guaranteed 15-minute response time. Many customers have asked for a priority response time capability and this is the answer!
Why upgrade my ticket? Some customers have urgent issues that must be addressed quickly without delay, upgrading tickets to Priority Fast-Track promises the customer that they will get a response within 15 minutes and that we are working to address the issue in question to get it resolved as fast as possible.
How does it work? Once you’ve opened your ticket, you will be presented with the option to upgrade the ticket to First-Track. Once the option is enabled, you will be forwarded to the invoice to complete payment. Once the invoice has been paid, the ticket will be upgraded to high priority and all staff members assigned to the support department for your ticket will be notified immediately. Please note that not all departments (such as sales and billing) offer Fast-Track support.

We’ve already had several uses of this new system and the response has been great! Most issues were responded to and resolved within 3 minutes!
If you have any questions, concerns or comments, please let us know!
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