We are very pleased to announce that we are now offering Linux Virtual Cloud Servers! In addition to our Windows VPS offerings under Hyper-V and Server 2012 R2, we are now offering Linux VPS servers under KVM and CentOS. Finally here, one of our most requested new services, alongside our new network setups, higher capacity link from Level 3, we can now deliver a Linux VPS Cloud system! All Linux VPS services run on new high-end Supermicro servers complete with Samsung Pro SSD drives, Intel Xeon processors and high performance DDR 4 RAM. Many providers charge extra for SSD-based VMs, we provide them as standard! Many other providers also use “Software Virtualizors” such as OpenVZ, we use true kernel-based Virtualizor called KVM. Which requires hardware that is fully capable for hardware virtualization and hardware virtualization acceleration.

We allow full SSH access as well as VNC support for Java and HTML5 supported browsers. Fully automated nightly backups, one-click install control panels like cPanel, ISO support to install your own Operating System if our pre-built templates do not meet your requirements and much more!
You can review our new Linux Virtual Server offerings and plans here https://www.aspnix.com/servers/linux-virtual-servers/ Signup, give one a try 🙂 All VPS servers are setup instantly with the Operating System of your choice!
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